Prior to joining the Lost Sea team Aidan made long, long lists for games like Brink and Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers. Now he makes lists and designs features for Lost Sea and tries very hard not to break the game. Aidan has been diagnosed with a crippling Spelunky addiction that remains untreated.

Dan is head of our programming department, which being a department of one keeps him pretty busy. Luckily for us he has a lot of experience before having made games for companies like Ubisoft, Wizards of the Coast and Sony. Before moving to Hong Kong, Dan lived in a number of exotic locations like Japan, Bali, Singapore and the Isle of Wight.

Whether it's working closely with our other artists or animating everything in the game, Heyman is responsible for making sure Lost Sea looks awesome. Heyman cut his teeth animating hideous creatures on a wide variety of titles, and when he isn't cramming art into the game you can usually find him by a TV swearing at Arsenal Football Club.

We also have a bunch of talented people around the world helping out on Lost Sea:
- Daniel Mallada, Concept Artist & Illustrator (web / facebook)
- Odin Fernandez, 3D Artist (web)
- David Lugo, Music Composer (soundcloud)
- Almut Schwacke, Sound Designer (web)
- Sahil & Amit, Web Designers