After hanging out and sipping a few drinks in the Bermuda Triangle, we are happy to be back and announce that Lost Sea is coming to the Nintendo Switch on May 31. Read More...
Head over to the PlayStation Store where you can now find the Lost Sea Dynamic Theme and 5 new Lost Sea Avatars. Read More...
Crew members play an essential part in the game. They can help you repair bridges, open chests, strengthen you in combat or even revive you if you've fallen in battle. In the beginning you can only recruit a single crew member, but as the game progresses, the number can be increased to up to four.
Here is a list of all the crew skills in the game. Read More...
There are 9 different items that you can find in Lost Sea. Items are either hidden in chests, buried or can be found using the Trawling Nets ship upgrade. To store an item, a free Item Slot is required. You start your adventure with 1 free Item Slot, up to 3 more can be unlocked at the Workbench.
Here is an overview of all items in the game. Read More...
It's been an incredibly busy last couple of months, so we are extremely happy and proud to report that Lost Sea is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam & GOG. To celebrate this moment, we put together another gameplay trailer. Read More...
In the run up to launch we've been streaming Lost Sea and answering various questions that people have about the game. We thought it would be a good idea to include some of the more common questions here, as well as some other essential survival tips. Read More...
When we demo Lost Sea, one of the things that really grabs people's attention is the fact that all of the islands are procedurally generated. We get a lot of questions about how exactly we build the islands, so I wanted to put together a post that describes the process. It's worth noting that this will be a high level overview, only because I could write ten posts about and still not have covered everything in complete detail! Read More...
After months of toiling away in secrecy we can now official announce Lost Sea will be launching on June 29th (Xbox One) and July 5th (PS4, Steam)! You can now digitally pre-order the game on Xbox One, Steam, GOG and Humble Store.
To coincide with the news, we put together a new trailer that showcases what the game is all about.
Read More...With the launch date for Lost Sea getting close, we thought it would be a good time to reveal the trophy & achievement list for all the trophy & achievement hunters out there! Lost Sea has nearly fifty trophies / achievements that are identical across all three platforms (PS4, Xbox One, Steam), with the only exception of the Platinum trophy being available for PS4 players. Read More...
In partnership with Limited Run Games, we are proud to announce that Lost Sea will also be available in very limited quantities as boxed product for PlayStation 4. Read More...
We're Back! After attending the PlayStation Experience last weekend I wanted to put together a post to tell you about the show and how exhibiting Lost Sea went. Read More...
It's been a busy week for the team. After collecting valuable feedback from HKGameX last weekend, we've been working on a number of updates and gameplay tweaks to get ready for PlayStation Experience 2015 this weekend. Since Monday we've made six different builds and have spent a significant time play testing the PS X demo. Read More...
We are currently showing Lost Sea at the HK GameX 2015, which runs until 29 Nov 2015. Our booth number is C02, right next to Google Hong Kong. Please come and stop by if you are in Hong Kong...
We will be posting more photos and impressions next week. Read More...
We've released a bunch of new Lost Sea screenshots today. A lot has changed since PAX Aus 2014 when we first showed the game to the public. Here's just a small excerpt of what we've been working on this year:
- The combat has been improved, new player attacks have been added.
- New critters and critter behavior.
- All 5 biomes are now playable: Jungle, Snow, Swamp, Desert, Atlantis. Read More...
Since we started showing the game there has been a lot of interest and positive comments about Lost Sea's art style. To be honest we weren't really expecting it to appeal to as many people as it did! We've had everyone from hardcore survival game fans to parents with young kids coming over to check out the game!
We also received a few, more in-depth questions from other developers and press about the game art direction so I figured I'd put together a blog post about it. I don't think many people get to see just how much a game evolves over time so I have attached a few images showing how the game first looked, up until now. Read More...
It's been almost a year since we started working on Lost Sea and before we head off for our Christmas break we figured it's a good time to reflect on the last few months of development and give you a small preview of what we've been working on.
First of all we wanted to say a thanks to all the people who have shown an interest in the game and shown their support, in particular a special mention goes to all the people who voted for us on Steam Greenlight or who took the time to check out the game at PAX AUS! Read More...
There was a nice surprising waiting for us when we got into the studio this morning - Lost Sea has been greenlit! Thanks to everyone that voted for us, it's brilliant news and I thought I would write a bit about our experience and, hopefully, share some insight into the process.
Getting on Steam is a big deal for smaller developers since Steam still makes up the vast majority of sales on PC. I wouldn't say that getting on Steam is guaranteed success, but I would say not getting on Steam makes decent sales on PC really, really difficult. Sure ... there are other stores out there, and while they are growing steadily, nothing currently rivals the Valve behemoth. Read More...
First of all, we want to say a big thanks to everyone who took the time check out Lost Sea and chat with us! It was a really cool experience to show people the game and hear their thoughts. If you came by the booth you probably would have seen me hovering behind somebody, frantically taking notes and asking them questions while they played.
As PAX AUS was the first opportunity for anyone outside the studio to play Lost Sea it had the potential to be truly terrifying, although fortunately for us, it ended up going quite smoothly! Despite some players breezing through areas we considered complex while others struggled with mechanics that seemed simple to us during development, over three days this normalized out and we we're able to identify the more common issues. Being there in person meant we could nudge people in the right direction if needed and, more importantly, allowed us to chat with them to get a clear idea of how we could improve for final release. Read More...
After a pretty eventful but also exciting week, we are finally back in Hong Kong, going through the massive amount of valuable feedback that we received. A few hundred gamers got to play an early build of Lost Sea and apart from a few hiccups and occasional crashes (those last minute changes...), we are satisfied with how things went.
A big thanks to everyone who stopped by, played Lost Sea or simply chatted to one of our crew. We met a lot of awesome people, received great feedback and last but not least really enjoyed Melbourne.
Below are a few impressions from the show. More images can be found on Facebook. Read More...
In case you've missed any earlier announcement, we'll be attending PAX Aus this week to give people the first public demo for Lost Sea. If you are lucky enough to live in and around Australia, please come and see us at the International Indie Pavilion, booth # INT4. PAX Australia is held from October 31 to November 2 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
We are excited to hear what people got to say about our game. We will also be handing out flyers and limited quantities of other goodies, such as t-shirts and soundtracks, so make sure to stop by! :) Read More...
After months hidden away inside our volcano lair, deep inside the jungles of Hong Kong, we are ready to share a first look at our upcoming game Lost Sea, scheduled for a 2015 release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms!
Lost Sea is a 3D strategy action game that takes place inside a procedurally generated archipelago. It's up to you to form a ragtag crew of survivors and explore the surrounding islands as you hunt for the resources you'll need to upgrade your ship and make your escape.
The game is set inside a cartoon B-movie universe, where an otherwise normal individual (you!) is transformed into an intrepid hero after a routine flight over the Atlantic Ocean ends in disaster, leaving you stranded on a mysterious archipelago located deep inside the Bermuda Triangle. Read More...